I wrote a piece about social media vs email marketing over on the Cirrus ABS blog. I tell client’s frequently that they have to be careful about reading to much into news stories, blog posts, and expert opinion. That is not to say that businesses shouldn’t be aware, but simply that they should investigate what it means to their particular business carefully. Here is a snippet from the post I wrote.

“The famous Ice Cream makers from Vermont have taken a bold move by declaring that they shall no longer be using email marketing as a means of letting you know about their latest zany flavors. No, instead they will be utilizing those marketing dollars to concentrate on an already successful social media foray. In fact the last email invited subscribers to connect with the brand through either the Facebook or Twitter social networks. This isn’t exactly as bold as one might think, given that Ben & Jerry’s Facebook page is currently over 1.3 million “fans” strong.”

Read the rest of my article on email marketing vs social media over at Cirrus ABS.