The hardest designs I have ever worked on in my career have been those that are for myself.  Lured in by the knowledge of different styles I could do, like to do, and having what some would refer to as endless available resources causes paralysis by analysis.  This year I decided I would worry about getting something up, rather then worrying about getting it perfect. A difficult choice to be sure.  And while I don’t require much, I do require some sleep.

I also happen to have what could be called an unhealthy amount of hobbies. One of which is designing, but occasionally I would like it to not be a web design.

For my closing argument I would also refer you to the previous post, a NEW ONLINE HOME for me, (exhibit A1) where you will see that I needed something done right now. Having so many online and business persona’s has been a chore to maintain. It will be nice to have a central area to release my skewed views from.  That’s my 35 cent story on why I chose a WordPress theme.